Friday, January 24, 2014

What's Your Authentic Style?

I have to be honest. When it comes to style being authentic can sometimes be really hard! Fashion always mimics fashion. Odds are that the new fad probably has occurred least at some point in world history. However, being authentic with your style doesn't really mean creating something entirely new. Being authentic, in its essence, is being true to an original. So what is your original? 50's vintage? 90's neon? 20's sparkle? 60's flare?

All joking aside, style and fashion is all about showing the world who you are! It's a creative art that we get to make anew everyday. For some of us it's those wonderful faded sweatpants, baseball cap and the old college tee I-could-care-less ensemble, for others it's all-high fashion labels all the time, or it's just vintage-thrift. What's your authentic style?

One of my favorite things is flipping through the newest InStyle, categorizing in my mind new ideas, new colors, new looks, new pieces that can come together to create every-day Authentically Me. The truth is style, like our identity, is formed from many pieces. Memories, experiences, thoughts, words, and actions form who we are. We are not just one thing and one thing only, just like we don't only were one item of clothing. We are many pieces with many parts that come together to form something pretty incredible.

When it comes to style, I am a little bit of all of these. I am not one thing and I don't want to be. My style has changed over the years from absolutely no style what-so-ever to blending many different elements into Authentically Me.

The point is to have fun creating, have fun trying something new, have fun coming up with something unexpected. A part of living in authenticity is realizing who you are and just owning it. So own your style. Create it, own it, live it.

-Authentically Me

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