Saturday, July 26, 2014

Taking Care Of Goodbyes

Goodbye is considered a "parting phrase". It is an intentional farewell expression used to bid someone else well wishes upon your departure. History Lesson: goodbye is derived from the 14th century, "God be with you."

Take care on the other hand is another "parting phrase". History Lesson: take care is shortened from "take care of yourself".

Telling someone to "take care" is not just a well wish. It goes a step further than a goodbye. Take care encompasses a hope, a gentle prayer, for the other person. It is a warm and sincere desire for their future well-being. In my opinion, you could go even a step further and say it's a desire for them to take care of Authentically You.

These last few weeks I have taken care of goodbyes. Transitioning cities and communities leads itself to those heart-wrenching parting moments. If you know me then you know that I rarely ever say goodbye. Instead I choose to say take care. It is not flippant final parting see ya never kind of phrase, it is intentional.

I have come to find that this parting phrase is perfect for those times when you truly don't know what else to say. Take care speaks hope. Take care speaks a pray, a prayer that breathes life over them and their future.

For the last two years my life was full of beautiful friendships. Unexpected and dazzling friends who taught me more about myself, the adventure of life, the beauty of the present, and the trust it takes to dive into dreams. Bottom line, I am a changed person because of them. So this is a shout out to each one of you. You know who you are. This is to the women who let me see their authenticity, the women who let me ask questions, the souls that touched mine. To each Authentically You, I say take care, take care.

-Authentically Me