Friday, November 28, 2014

Feel In The Blank

This one is for all those who feel (Fill In The Blank) this time of year.

It seems to me more and more these days that life is on a constant repeat. Another Thanksgiving, another Black Friday, soon it'll be another Christmas Eve, Christmas, another New Year, another Valentine's day. We've officially started the holiday marathon that only rounds out on St. Patty's day. Each year bringing the same holidays, the same dinners, the same parties, the same shopping days, the same plans, the same, the same, the same, bringing with it a numbing sensation that is ever-pressing.

More and more we are forcing ourselves to simply take a deep breath and just get through it. Get through exams, get through the final projects, get through the holidays, get through the madness, just get through it, please Lord, just help me get to the other side of (Fill In The Blank). 

When did we let ourselves rationalize, justify, and believe that this is really living? When did we let ourselves stop being (Fill In The Blank) or rather stop letting ourselves (Feel In The Blank)?

This time of the season is magical and if you are not careful you just might miss it. Magic is rare, magical moments are even more rare. Don't let this (Fill In The Blank) season make you forget that. If you're happy be happy. If you're sad let yourself be sad. If you're alone...well let yourself feel lonely. If you're in love be in love. If you're (Fill In The Blank), let yourself be (Fill In The Blank). 

Numbing life just to get from point A to point B will get you nowhere. Shutting down all (Fill In The Blank) won't get you anywhere. Life is too short, too precious, too magical to be spending it weighed down by (Fill In The Blank). Take the time and choose to accept (Fill In The Blank), to acknowledge (Fill In The Blank), and allow yourself to find freedom in (Fill In The Blank). 

We have to allow yourselves to feel, to feel all that is in the blank spaces, for if we don't I am afraid we will soon regret having felt anything at all. Regretting feeling, regretting experiencing is regretting being human. Being human being authentically human is too magical to simply be wished away.

If I could wish anything for authentically you this magical season it would be to:
Accept (Fill In The Blank).
Cherish (Fill In The Blank).
Forgive (Fill In The Blank).
Enjoy (Fill In The Blank).
Thank (Fill In The Blank).
Remember (Fill In The Blank).
Allow (Fill In The Blank).
Choose (Fill In The Blank).
Honor (Fill In The Blank).
and Love, oh love, (Fill In The Blank).

-Authentically Me