Saturday, May 30, 2015

Have A Little FUN!

It's almost summer and that means its time to have a little fun. Whether it's beaching it, walking it, sunning it, driving it, swimming it, or in my case hiking's time to get outside and enjoy!

More than it with friends! 

-Authentically Me

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Adventure Is Out There!!!

Hanging on my wall for as long as I can remember is a map of the world. Marked and noted with pins of places I want to go, cities I had the honor of visiting, and homes I made across the world. Being a recovering type-A they are color-coded. A rainbow of pins for places I want to go and clear for the ones I traveled to. For many years five colored pins remained unchanged.

You see I had the chance to study abroad in Italy while in college. However, 2008 hit bringing with it a recession therefor putting a firm halt on my plans. Unable to save up enough, I was forced to let go of that dream.

Of course there was a reason and I made the best of it—at least tried. Funny thing is two of my college roommates ended up going on the trip, each coming back with amazing stories, great adventures, and a sense of self that can only come from traveling the wandering road. I listened but all the while I knew in my heart I wished I could’ve been there with them. It was a hard life lesson to learn—the understanding that sometimes your plans just don’t work out and there is nothing you can do about it but just let it go.

Life moved on, I interned in D.C. my senior year and pursued other dreams. I never lost the desire though. I always hoped one day I would finally make it to those beautiful countries I pinned on my map.

Well…in 2 months this dream will be a reality. Two months from now I will be on a plane crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Come July I will be aboard a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean. This trip is only—eight years in the making! Finally it’s down to 60 days!!  I cannot believe it is almost here.

In honor and celebration of the woman who has taught me all about authenticity, my grandmother, my family is traveling across the Mediterranean from one tip to the other. Key spots include: Barcelona in Spain, Monte Carlo in Monaco, Florence, Rome and the Amalfi Coast in Italy, Athens as well Santorini in Greece, and finally Kudasi/Ephesus in Turkey. 

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Th notion that I get to do it with my family is simply incredible. Not only will I be fulfilling a dream eight years in the making but I will get to see it with my family. Sometimes life just has a way of working itself out. Sometimes the bigger plan…His plan…is just WAY better!

-Authentically Me