Friday, October 31, 2014

98% Positive

A friend of mine called me last week. She said, "I'm 98% positive you're going to say no...". For a moment I laughed and proceeded to think of what request she could possibly have. What could she possibly need that she was 98% positive I was going to say no to? 

It was then that I caught the end of her proposal. Beach. The Beach. A Beach. Any Beach. Would I care to spend the next week in Longboat Key, Florida? It took me an exact millisecond to reply..."I'm 98% positive I'm going to say yes!".

If there is one thing I have learned in my twenties it's this: be spontaneous. As a recovering type-A, the concept of spontaneity is a hard one to grapple with. It's not that spontaneity is seen as a bad thing, or something that is unenjoyable, rather it's the action of being spontaneous that poses a problem. Being spontaneous involves lack of forethought, it involves trusting that everything will just work out, a no-fear-just-live-in-the-moment mentality. A mentality, which up until three years ago, I was 98% positive was so-not-authentically-me.

Fast forward three years, three years of life experience, three years of diving into life as authentically me and here I am jumping off a boat into the ocean at sunset just because I can. I'm still a recovering type-A. I still like to plan and make to-do lists. I still seem to set unrealistic expectations. However, I also know it's important to live life in the present and not be so fearful of the future.

Time and regret bring with it one conclusion. In life there are moments where you can choose to go with the normal or take a chance and be a part of the unexpected. I'm 98% positive I will always go with the later.

Here's to living life as authentically-spontanteously-me:

-Authentically Me

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