Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Promise of Summer

Summer. There is an unexplainable and immeasurable beauty to be found within it. We look forward to it and miss it when it is gone. These brief months called summer seem to hold a promise. A promise, a hope, that something unexpected just might be around the corner.  

The last few summers for me were all filled with the unexpected. Unexpected adventures, life changes, travels, and new experiences. Why else do we love summer then the freedom it seems to bring? Freedom from the normal, freedom to do and be, to feel and just breathe. A surpassing joy seems to fill each new day and carries itself into the warmth of each summer night.

We find the time to be out and about, to explore, to take on the things we always wanted to do the last nine months. We stop making checklists and start making to-do lists. I want to do this...I would love to do that...I would love to go there...wouldn't it be amazing if we could just do that! Maybe it is me, but we come alive in the summer! We live our lives in a way we rarely do the rest of the year.

It is funny but summers are always life-changing for me. Each year in a unique way summers seem to grow me, refine me, make me see life in a new way. They bring me closer to authentically me. Summer reminds me more of who I am and of who I hope to be. It is not always the things I do, or the incredible places I see that influence this process, usually it's the people I meet, the friends or family by my side that seem to change it all.

This summer the adventure was traveling the Mediterranean with my family. We explored Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, and Turkey. 6 countries in 15 days. Life-changing in every way this experience was truly one for the record books. Never have I seen so much beauty! The people, the way of life, the food, the culture, the epic landscape. Here is just a taste of the many wonders we experienced:

Summer holds a promise. A hope that right around the corner just might be the next great adventure. More than anything this summer's adventure is joy. Summer's unexpected guest truly is joy. Joy from exploration and journeying to places I've dreamed of going. Joy from being with friends and family. More than anything, joy at finding peace within myself. 

What has this summer brought you? What unexpected adventure did you take this summer? I hope more than anything that it brought you closer to who you authentically are. 

-Authentically Me

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