Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Patterns of Evidence: Authentic Exodus

Tonight I, and many others across the nation, got to partake in something truly special. A one night showing of Patterns of Evidence: Exodus, a film by Tim Mahoney. Tim denotes that, "for more than 50 years, the vast majority of the world's most prominent archaeologists and historians have proclaimed that there is no hard evidence to support the Exodus story found in the Bible. In fact, they say that the archaeological record is completely opposed to the Bible’s account. This view of extreme skepticism has spread from academia to the world. The case against the Exodus appears to be so strong that even some religious leaders are labeling this ancient account as historical fiction." 

In his quest to find the real or as I would say authentic truth, Tim Mahoney begins with the question, "is the bible just a myth, or did archeologists get it wrong?". Using science and historical data, Tim undertakes this epic question with a rare and quite breathtaking unveiling of real biblical truth. Critics agree that, "the result is the most in-depth archaeological investigation into the Exodus from Egypt ever captured on film". 

Yet what stuck out to me the most was the gentle current of non-biases, fair, and reasonable approach Tim Mahoney took.  Mahoney portrays both sides of the question letting the audience aka me take into account all of the facts (and they are right there in front of your eyes or should I say within history) and decide for ourselves. 

In looking at the historical evidence of Jericho and the destruction or conquest of Canaan, this more than any other part of the documentary rang true to me as a follower of Jesus and a believer in a Creator: God always fulfills His promises. He kept his promise to Rahab. Despite her past, He honored her present, and made a way for her future. For serving Him, for honoring Him, for choosing Him, He protected her. He protected her, He saved her, He shielded her when the ground beneath her feet was shaken, when the great walls of Jericho fell around her, she and her family were spared despite the destruction of every other sector of Jericho. Her house, her quarters were spared. 

Can historians trace the only surviving sector of Jericho's homes on the outer wall to Rahab and her family....probably not. But that is where our faith comes into play. The original truth is this, I believe, God is faithful. God made a way for her because He knew that through her would come the true Passover Lamb...Jesus. 

Here is the beautiful part...the same God that made a way for Rahab makes a way for you and me. The same God who protected Rahab protects you and me. The same nature and character of God to move towards Rahab, the prostitute, the outsider, the foreigner who saves the lives of the Israelite spies moves towards you and me. 

The real question is do we trust Him? Do we trust His promises? Do we trust Him to be faithful?Rahab did. Even when her whole world was literally falling around her she trusted and believed...and she was spared, she was chosen, she was honored for her faith. 

Do you trust Him to be faithful? 
Do you trust Him to keep His word? 
To keep His promises? 
Do you trust Him? 
He is forever whispering, "Do you trust me?"

-Authentically Me


  1. Awesome. Just an awesome summation of the film experience and the gospel. Awesome.

  2. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts, Emily. I was honored to portray Rahab in Patterns of Evidence: Exodus, and the it brought me into a time of deeper reflection and understanding on the great faithfulness and grace of our God. I too am growing in trusting His love, HIs word and promises. God bless you on your journey with Him!
    - Colleen Thompson (Rahab)
